What to Expect
This peel is Safe on All skin types and Ethnicities!. Safe on Melasma Clients, Pigmented Clients, as well as Acneic Clients. Ideal for Men and Women.
Safe for Fitzpatrick skin types 1-5.
. This peel will reach the Dermal Layer.
. This peel will not burn your skin.
.You will peel for a total of 3 to 4 days.
. Application time 30 minutes.
. This is a self-neutralizing peel; you will leave the Spa with the Peel on your skin and wash the peel off the following morning.
. You will receive a Post Peel Kit for at home use.
. Application process will vary; containments of the peel will be utilized until depleted.
.Zero discomfort. First application will numb the skin to aid in discomfort.
.Double Cleanse, Peel Application
*Please Note you must receive a Classic Deep Pore Cleaning or Beau Facial before receiving this peel.
Peel With Ann!
Interested in Receiving a 7 Day Peel?
Fill out the Form for a Complimentary Consultation.
E-Mail: annlashbeautybar@gmail.com
Tel: 754-799-0607